Monday, November 20, 2006

Runescape Wilderness Team Capes

Jagex introduced Team Capes into Runescape in order to help friends avoid attacking each other easily. Players now have to right-click to attack someone wearing the same team cape as them.

Runescape merchants are located throughout the wilderness that sell different numbered capes. In total there are 50 different numbered capes available in 5 different colours with each cape having a different symbol visible on the back.

The statistics for all capes are the same regardless of the number. There are no offence bonuses applied to any of the capes and the defense bonus is minimal with a + 1 bonus applied to both slash and crush and a +2 bonus applied to range.

The cape sellers are well spread out and have easy to spot names such as William, Ian, Larry, Darren, Edward, Richard, Neil, Edmond, Simon and Sam. All of them wander a bit and should not prove too difficult to find, although with them being located in the runescape wilderness, players should be aware that they will be at the mercy of pkers, should they encounter any.

Overall, it is a little bit safer for players using team capes in the wilderness to prevent accidents, although offering no real protection it can make it a lot easier to identify friends and foes and therefore better organiztion on pking trips and wars can be achieved.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Mage Bank Pking in Runescape

Mage Bank Pking in Runescape is for members only. It is normally confined to single pking, however many players will tag and help out their clan members or friends. The clan community generally takes a dull view of tagging, but most people will do it.

Mage Bank Pking is also where players can gain or lose highly prized runescape items as it is located in the deep wilderness where any player around 70 combat or above should tread with extreme caution. It must be noted that players lower than 70 combat are not entirely safe as they can easily be attacked by players who have 100 combat - so it should still be a place where low level players should ensure they do not take any highly prized runescape items with them.

There is an escape route available for players who are able to get away and resist being teleblocked, and that route is through the Mage Bank lever. However, experience Mage Bank Pking teams will normally have 1 or more players that have the sole purpose of casting teleblock and effectively trapping the escape route.

Overall, although pking at the mage bank is normally in single combat zones, teams of mage bank pkers will ensure that it is very difficuly for the single adventurer to survive or escape so maximum caution should be heeded in order to stay alive and keep any runescape items that you are carrying.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Chaos Elemental

The Chaos elemental is a level 105 monster located in the deep wilderness of Runescape. It is beyond the members gate and therefore only members can fight it. The main drop that people wish to get from it is the Dragon 2hand Sword.

chaos elemental
Chaos Elemental Statistics:
Combat level: 305
Hitpoints: 350
Weakness: Range

Best Loot in drops:
Dragon 2hand Sword
Dragon Med Helm
Dragon Battleaxe
Baby Dragon Bones (x23)
Rune Arrows (200)
Rune 2hand Sword
Air Runes (500)
Chaos Runes (100)

There are some interesting and varied drops from the Chaos Elemental, although it is located in a dangerous area often frequented by Pkers. The actual fighting can be tricky as well and protection from magic is highly suggested. Also, players should have some space in their inventory as the chaos elemental can unequip you and if you do not have space, your items will be dropped on the ground.

When I went to try and get a good picture I kept getting teleported away, so this is something else players should be aware of and it is better fighting in a small group so that someone is always damaging it.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Low Level Altar

A popular location in the Wilderness is the Low Level Altar around level 13 wild. It is a place that is often frequented by players who wish to duel each other in the wild aka fight death matches.

Low level wilderness altar

The fact that people can recharge prayer easily makes the location very appealing as a venue to hold DMs. It means players can fight it out and have maximum prayer boosts running throughout the fight. This means players can hit higher maximum damage which can make for good screen pictures.

In addition, Clans will often pass by via the Altar on their trip into the Wilderness for a PK event - this is to ensure all members have maximum prayer if they require it during the trip. The relatively convenient location proves to be regularly visited and one of the more useful places in the Wilderness.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Sheep are Oblivious

A daily occurance in the wilderness are DM fights, otherwise known as Death Matches. This is when one person challenges another to an honorable fight whereby the winner normally keeps the losers items as their reward. However, this has largely been ignored by the wilderness lifestock and inhabitants... on this occasion the sheep are almost oblivious to the fact that a fight is taking place.

The two combatants on this occasion were Merlinm88 and Omega_50000. Merlinm88 being level 108 combat and Omega_50000 being level 109. This resulted in a level 1 wilderness DM just north of the Monastery near Edgeville. As the picture below shows, the match-up was a relaxed affair albeit still a serious affair at the same time. However, if you notice the almost apparent lack of interest from the local sheep it asks the question ... are they really oblivious to the fighting? or are they so used to seeing it on a daily occurance that they fail to care anymore?

oblivious sheep image

On this occasion, the DM ended up being a close encounter as expected due to the similar combat levels and equipment that was being used. At one stage, Merlinm88 seemed to be running away with it as he had 10 shark remaining compared to Omega_50000 who had none. However, Omega_50000 made a strong comeback for a few rounds before eventually being felled. The picture below captures the ending round of combat in the fight.

Merlinm88 victorious

The closeness of the contest is evident from the ongoing conversation between both combatants. In the end it was Merlinm88 who was victorious and I am sure this is not the end of either players DM aspirations on Runescape but merely yet another regularly enjoyed activity.

Friday, June 30, 2006

The Wilderness Attraction

The Wilderness in Runescape adds a fasinating aspect of the game whereby players can actively fight each other and claim victory and the spoils of war. It is a place for individuals to display great gallantry and a place for clans to display strength in numbers. Many fear it, yet many relish it at the same time.

The Wildy as it is more commonly referred to by players of Runescape, is without doubt one of the more insteresting locations in the game. There are great riches to be gained and even greater riches to be lost. It is often the case, especially where clans are concerned, even in defeat you can be victorious. As with every defeat comes experience and it teaches you to become more focussed and thus more deadly and cunning in battles.

The Wildy is not only a place for player versus player battles, but it can also be a great way to make income from both combat and your mining skill. Wealth can be achieved via slaying Green Dragons or mining any of the numerous ores that are available. If you have been a dedicated enough miner, then you can risk mining Runite Ore in the deep wilderness and subsequently reap the rewards from being able to use the ore yourself or sell it for a significant amount of gold pieces.