The runescape wilderness is not a place for the weak minded or faint hearted. It is a place where survival is a luxury and not a guarantee. There are many highly experienced runescape pkers that have learned through time that everyone meets their match at some point.
Naturally, there are some tips that will help a player survive better in the wilderness, but will never guarantee to work 100% of the time. This runescape wilderness survival guide should be taken as a simple guide to improving player awareness so they do not make some stupid mistakes and meet an untimely end.
The guide is aimed at novice runescape players who may not have managed to explore much of the territory due to their own fears. It will not help people survive all the time - but it should make them more aware of what to expect.
- Hopping over the wilderness ditch will take you into a zone that other players will be able to attack you - as soon as you move. So before you step into the runescape wilderness ensure that you are prepared for a battle. Expect to lose any items you have with you and you will always minimise losses.
- The deeper the level of the runescape wilderness you explore, the higher the risk of being owned by other players. This means if you were in level 40 wilderness, players 40 levels higher or 40 levels lower could freely attack you. So always know what level of wilderness you are in and be able to take the correct course of action if you are looking to avoid conflict.
- The runescape wilderness has multiple different zones. Single zone areas and multi-person areas. In single zone areas you will fight other players 1 versus 1, while in multi-person areas it can be 10 or 20 people versus you. This is vital to understand, as even the best runescape pkers cannot withstand fighting odds of 20 to 1. In such circumstances the outcome is almost always fatal for the lonely warrior.
- The runescape wilderness is normally the domain of runescape clans. Knowing this, when you see 1 or 2 dots nearby, it may well be an organised clan out on a pk trip and it can quickly end in disaster if you get spotted.
- The combat triangle in runescape is made up of mage, melee and range. Failing to understand how this works in relation to player versus player battles will severely limit your survival chances. Many players will normally be hybrid and therefore able to attack you with different styles to gain the upper hand in the combat triangle.
In the future, I will hope to explore different wilderness locations and highlight the more dangerous areas that people may wish to avoid - if possible. In addition, I will examine some techniques used by players to avoid being pked in runescape as well as more detail on runescape pking in general. Some methods may be frowned on while others are readily accepted in the runescape clan community.
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